Friday, November 9, 2012

Homemade Kitchen Countertop Cleaner

With a new little one on the way, I have been looking at ways to cut cost. I read a lot of blogs and I have seen so many people who make their on cleaning supplies that is a fraction of the cost that you would buy at the store.Here is a kitchen cleaner that I just made and I love it! I did spend a little extra for the supplies but when I need to make it again, I won't have to spend $5.00 or more since I already have the supplies.

2 Tbsp Vinegar
1 Tsp Borax
1/4 Cup Unscented Castile Soap
10 Drops of Peppermint Oil
1 tsp Lemon Juice
Spray Bottle

Using a funnel, mix vinegar & borax in a spray bottle. Fill the spray bottle with 3/4 full with hot water till borax is dissolved. Add Castile soap, peppermint oil and lemon juice in spray bottle and shake.

(You can use any scent of the essential oil but I really like the way peppermint smells.)

Purchased:Borax at Wal-Mart, Castile Soap at Target and Pepperment Oil at Sunshine Health Store.

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